
Class action lawsuit to be initiated against Volkswagen Group in Ukraine


The public organization Ukrspozhyvkontrol is planning to initiate a class action lawsuit against Volkswagen in Ukraine. Pavlo Kuftyryev, attorney at law and managing partner of Greco Law Company, said this during his presentation at the Waste Management in Ukraine: Legislation, Economics, Technology forum.

“For the first time, we are filing a lawsuit under the opt-out model, when the rights of an unlimited number of consumers are protected within the framework of one court proceeding. GRECO is the only law firm in Ukraine that has a class action practice. It was GRECO’s team that helped the residents of Vasylkiv, who suffered as a result of the fire at the oil storage facility in the village of Kriachky, Vasylkiv district, to receive financial compensation for the damage caused,” said Pavlo Kuftyryev.

In his report, Dr. Kuftyryev emphasized the environmental aspect of the lawsuit and the misleading of consumers. All over the world, citizens have received compensation for such unlawful behavior of Volkswagen, while in Ukraine no compensation has been paid and no attention has been paid to the issue at all. “War is war, but Volkswagen must pay Ukraine for the environmental damage and for the harm caused to people. This is a matter of principle for us,” emphasized the managing partner of Greco Law Company.

According to Pavlo Kuftyryev, the NGO “Ukrconsumerprotection” turned to Greco Law Company lawyers because it is the only law firm in Ukraine that has successful experience in class action lawsuits. At all stages of the preparation and filing of a class action lawsuit against Volkswagen Group in Ukraine, the partner of Greco Law Company, Chairman of the AAU Consumer Protection Committee, Oleg Shchelkunov, will provide direct guidance.

As a reminder, as a result of the scandal known as Dieselgate, Volkswagen paid about $20 billion in compensation for fraudulent diesel emissions. According to various estimates, it may involve at least 11 million vehicles.